Thursday 2nd March 2017 saw the Virtual Engineering Centre (VEC) venture down to the London Campus as part of the University of Liverpool in London in Finsbury Square. Here we hosted an event looking into the potential of digital design and architecture with a fantastic range of delegates.
Just some of the companies who were present included Virtalis, who have supported the VEC down at the London Campus, ARUP, Arcadis, Network Rail, Constain, Hitachi Rail, Bentley, Aston Martin, Optis, Bosch, OLEV, BAC, Immerse UK, Lenovo and more!

There were also multiple speakers from the University of Liverpool, academics and from companies who have engaged with digital design and architecture before.
The event was hugely successful and all presentations offered delegates a lot of valuable insights and useful information to consider within this field. After the presentations, many delegates got stuck in with our demonstrations which showed a variety of ways in which virtual reality, simulations and similar technology can be used across sectors and within a range of industries and businesses.

We would like again to say a huge thank you to all who came, those who gave a presentation and of course, those at the London campus for being so hospitable and helpful on the day and leading up to the event.